Your Video Content Strategy: To Go “Live” Or Not To Go “Live”?

Going “live” onto Facebook, Youtube and Instagram has been all the rage in 2017/2018. When you tap into your socials, immediately you’ll get a notification saying Annie Jane is live, meaning more views and potentially more engagement for Annie. We’ve heard countless social media strategists saying, “Don’t record video, just go live, you’ll get more views.” But it’s not always…

The Video Content Marketing Strategy You Should Use Before Anything Else

Let’s talk about video content marketing. We live in an age where we can review any service with just a few taps on the keyboard and a click of a button. What customers say about us and our products speaks volumes; nothing gives credibility quite like a series of five-star reviews from highly-satisfied clients. As Scott Cook, co-founder of Intuit, said,…

Want TV Press? This Video Content Technique Will Better Your Chances

In today’s increasingly crowded media market, outlets are scrambling for unique material with many stations delivering 24-hour news to their audiences. While there is still an abundance of content at their fingertips, the networks are understaffed (for the amount they’re producing) and overworked (constantly trying to keep up with digital trends and changes). So, what if you were able to…

3 Reasons Your Business Needs a Video Marketing Strategy

Video content accounts for half of all mobile traffic (and this is expected to increase to 80% by 2019). According to Animoto, four times as many customers would rather watch a video about a product than read about it. Therefore, video content is one of the best ways for you to reach your customers and tell them about your brand…